Autumn Crocus Interactions Overview

Check For Interactions With Autumn Crocus

Autumn Crocus

Also known as
  • Colchicum autumnale
  • Colchicum
  • Crocus
  • Fall Crocus
  • Faux-Safran
  • Gowri Gedde
  • Meadow Saffron
  • Mysteria
  • Naked Ladies
  • Naked Lady
  • Son-Before-The-Father
  • Tue-Chien
  • Tue-Loup
  • Upstart
  • Vellorita
  • Wild Saffron
  • Wonder Bulb
Autumn Crocus Autumn crocus, a perennial herb native to Europe and North Africa, grows from an underground corm and has been known for over 2000 years as a poisonous plant. It contains colchicine and resembles onion, wild garlic, and wild leek, leading to accidental ingestion and colchicine poisoning. Historically, extracts have been used to treat gout and rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is considered unsafe for oral consumption due to its toxicity, causing adverse effects such as agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, and peripheral neuritis. Topical exposure can cause finger numbness. Due to these risks, it is recommended to use the standardized, FDA-approved prescription form of colchicine for treating conditions like gout and familial Mediterranean fever, under the supervision of a medical professional.
There are 2 drugs known to interact with Autumn Crocus

Drugs that interact with Autumn Crocus

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Parts of this content are provided by the Therapeutic Research Center, LLC.

DISCLAIMER: Currently this does not check for drug-drug interactions. This is not an all-inclusive comprehensive list of potential interactions and is for informational purposes only. Not all interactions are known or well-reported in the scientific literature, and new interactions are continually being reported. Input is needed from a qualified healthcare provider including a pharmacist before starting any therapy. Application of clinical judgment is necessary.

© 2021 Therapeutic Research Center, LLC