Drug Interactions

Welcome to our comprehensive drug interaction database. Below, you'll find a list of drugs that direct you to detailed information about all of their drug-drug interactions. If you're looking for our drug-herbal interaction checker, be sure to go directly there.

Drug interactions are sorted by their severity:

  • Contraindicated
  • Major
  • Moderate
  • Minor

The definitions of these severity ratings are located on the individual drug interaction pages.

If you have any questions about an interaction you see, our clinical pharmacists are more than happy to provide some additional insights for you! Contact one of us directly via our 'Ask Question' page.

Disclaimer: The information provided in our interaction database is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding your specific circumstances and medical conditions.

Drug interaction information is compilated from several drug compendia, including:

The information posted is fact-checked by HelloPharmacist clinicians and reviewed quarterly.