Using HelloPharmacist couldn't be easier! Our pharmacists are available to answer your questions.
How Does It Work You Ask??
1. Submit your question on our 'Ask Question' form. Your email is required so we can keep you up to date with the status of your question.
2. After you submit your question, you will receive a confirmation email that your submission has been received.
3. Your question will be assigned to one of our pharmacists, and it will be answered in 24 hours or less.
4. When your question is answered, it will be posted to the website and you will receive an email containing the link to your answer. It's really that simple.
Your email will not be shown on the website, only your chosen nickname will be.
If you need help with something else, contact us at [email protected].
Below are some of the most common questions and inquiries we get here at HelloPharmacist.
Who Is Dr. Brian Staiger?
Dr. Brian Staiger PharmD is an accomplished pharmacist with an extensive track record in various pharmacy-related roles. With a diverse background spanning both managerial and clinical functions, he has worked with both large and small enterprises and has gained invaluable experience in healthcare administration, clinical program development, and utilization management.
Brian is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist (BCPS), an American Herbalist Guild-certified practitioner, and the founder of HelloPharmacist (he tries to personally answer as many questions as he can!),
Brian's unique skill set and professional background make him a highly sought-after consultant in the pharmacy industry as he provides effective leadership in clinical program development and utilization management, ensuring that organizations achieve optimal clinical and financial outcomes.
You can check out his LinkedIn profile for more professional details.
How Often Do You Review Your Content?
Our content is all written by pharmacists with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Immediately before publication, it is edited and reviewed by another pharmacist (i.e., someone other than the author) for accuracy.
After publishing, our content is reviewed at least annually to ensure all the information is up to date.
What Kind Of Questions Can I Ask?
You can ask anything pharmacy or drug related! We are the experts in this regard and are happy to help with your questions on these topics.
It is important to note that we cannot give specific medical advice. However, we are happy to provide comprehensive information and insight on any topic you'd like that is likely applicable to your situation. We urge you to use our information to help you make better, informed decisions, in conjunction with your doctor and personal medical team.
For example, if you ask about a potential interaction between two drugs, we'll give you detailed information regarding those drugs and potential interactions. We'll stop short of stating specifically if you, the asker, can safely take the drug combination as we don't have your complete medical details.
How Do I Know If An Answer Is Reliable?
Every single question we receive is answered by a doctor of pharmacy, licensed in the United States.
We utilize a number of different sources for our information, including well-respected and peer-reviewed medical compendia, such as Elsevier Gold Standard and UpToDate.
Additionally, all of our answers are fact-checked and reviewed by two pharmacists and then reviewed annually for accuracy.
Can I Ask For Clarification Or More Information On An Answer?
Sure can! Email us as much as you'd like! We love hearing from our readers and those who have reached out before.
Is This Service Free?
Yes, it is. No payment or sign-up is necessary to ask a question. It's very simple in how it works. You send a message through our 'ask pharmacist' link, and you'll receive an answer. That answer will also be posted on the website.
I'm A Pharmacist. Are You Hiring?
We occasionally have job postings for part-time work, depending on the volume of questions we are receiving. You're more than welcome to send a resume to us at [email protected]