Calabar Bean Interactions Overview

Check For Interactions With Calabar Bean

Calabar Bean

Also known as
  • Physostigma venenosum
  • Chop Nut
  • Esere Nut
  • Faba Calabarica
  • Fève de Calabar
  • Haba de Calabar
  • Haricot de l'Ordalie
  • Legume
  • Ordeal Bean
  • Physostigma
Calabar Bean Calabar bean (Physostigma venenosum) is a plant that is native to West Africa. It is known for its bean-like seeds, which are poisonous and contain a toxic alkaloid called physostigmine. The beans have been used as a source for prescription drugs containing physostigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor. While Calabar bean has been used historically for its purported anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, its use is generally not recommended as toxic effects can occur when ingested. These toxic effects can include excessive sweating, excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, confusion and muscle paralysis.
There are 193 drugs known to interact with Calabar Bean

Additional Details

Is Calabar Bean Safe? Are There Any Warnings?

Calabar Bean is considered UNSAFE when used orally due to its extreme toxicity. The active constituent, physostigmine, can cause severe cholinergic crisis, including paralysis, coma, and even death. It is strongly advised to avoid using Calabar Bean orally.

How is Calabar Bean Thought to Work? What is the Mechanism of Action?

Calabar Bean contains physostigmine, which is responsible for its effects. Physostigmine prolongs the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, leading to various cholinergic effects. These effects include increased parasympathetic nervous system and muscle tone, stimulation of glandular secretions, increased GI peristalsis, reduced heart rate, and pupil contraction leading to a decrease in intraocular pressure.


There is insufficient reliable information available about the pharmacokinetics of Calabar Bean.

Interaction Overview

Calabar Bean may interact with certain drugs and supplements.

Common Side Effects to Watch For

When used orally, Calabar Bean can cause various side effects, including bradycardia, diarrhea, miosis, hypertension, hypotension, salivation, sweating, tachycardia, vomiting, confusion, coma, muscle weakness, paralysis, and seizures. These serious side effects are rare but should be monitored for.

Are Supplements Standardized?

There is insufficient reliable information available about the standardization of Calabar Bean supplements. It is important to exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional when considering the use of Calabar Bean or any related products.

What is Calabar Bean Typically Used For?

There has been interest in the use of Calabar Bean for various conditions, including cholera, constipation, epilepsy, and tetanus. However, there is insufficient reliable evidence to support its effectiveness for these purposes, and more research is needed to determine its potential uses.

Drugs that interact with Calabar Bean

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Parts of this content are provided by the Therapeutic Research Center, LLC.

DISCLAIMER: Currently this does not check for drug-drug interactions. This is not an all-inclusive comprehensive list of potential interactions and is for informational purposes only. Not all interactions are known or well-reported in the scientific literature, and new interactions are continually being reported. Input is needed from a qualified healthcare provider including a pharmacist before starting any therapy. Application of clinical judgment is necessary.

© 2021 Therapeutic Research Center, LLC