Ficin Interactions Overview

Check For Interactions With Ficin


Also known as
  • Ficus insipida
  • Amate
  • Doctor Oje
  • Ficine
  • Figuier Blanc
  • Jonote
  • Leche de Higueron
  • Leche de Oje
  • Oje
Ficin Ficin, harvested from Ficus insipida trees, exists in crude and purified forms. The crude latex, combined with acetic acid and sodium benzoate, is used as a preservative to prevent coagulation. Purified ficin, an enzyme preparation containing proteases and other enzymes, demonstrates nonspecific sulfhydryl proteinase activity, hydrolyzing proteins, amides, esters, and small peptides. Research suggests that ficin exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and may disrupt the biofilm backbone of certain bacteria, enhancing antibiotic effectiveness. Additionally, ficin shows promise in combating helminthiasis.
There are 0 drugs known to interact with Ficin

Commercial Products That Contain Ficin

Below is a list of known supplements that contain ficin:

Please note that this may not be a complete list of all commercially available dietary supplements that contain ficin.

Drugs that interact with Ficin

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Parts of this content are provided by the Therapeutic Research Center, LLC.

DISCLAIMER: Currently this does not check for drug-drug interactions. This is not an all-inclusive comprehensive list of potential interactions and is for informational purposes only. Not all interactions are known or well-reported in the scientific literature, and new interactions are continually being reported. Input is needed from a qualified healthcare provider including a pharmacist before starting any therapy. Application of clinical judgment is necessary.

© 2021 Therapeutic Research Center, LLC