Herb Robert Interactions Overview

Check For Interactions With Herb Robert

Herb Robert

Also known as
  • Geranium robertianum
  • Cerfeuil Puant
  • Cerfeuil Sauvage
  • Dove's Feet
  • Dragon's Blood
  • Mountain Geranium
  • Patte d'Alouette
  • Red Robin
  • Stinky Bob
  • Storkbill
  • Wild Crane's-Bill
Herb Robert Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) is a wildflower native to Europe and Asia but has spread to other parts of the world as an invasive species. It is known for its small, pink, or red flowers and strong, pungent odor. In traditional medicine, Herb Robert has been used for various purposes, including the treatment of wounds, digestive problems, and respiratory conditions. Generally, The parts of Herb Robert that are used in supplements are the above-ground parts, which contain flavonoids like rutin, quercetin, kaempferol, ellagic acid, and others.
There are 0 drugs known to interact with Herb Robert

Additional Details

Is Herb Robert Safe? Are There Any Warnings?

There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of using Herb Robert. It is advised to avoid using it during pregnancy and lactation due to the lack of reliable information available.

How Does Herb Robert Work? What Is the Mechanism of Action?

Herb Robert contains several flavonoids, including rutin, quercetin, kaempferol, ellagic acid, as well as other flavonoids and polyphenols. The specific mechanism of action of Herb Robert may vary depending on its use.

Some potential effects of Herb Robert include:

  • Anti-cancer effects: In laboratory studies, extracts of Herb Robert have shown cytotoxic effects against various cancer cells.
  • Antimicrobial effects: Some evidence suggests that Herb Robert can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi.
  • Antiviral effects: Herb Robert has demonstrated mild antiviral effects against the vesicular stomatitis virus in some research.


There is insufficient reliable information available about the pharmacokinetics of Herb Robert.


No interactions with drugs, supplements, or lab tests are currently known for Herb Robert.

Common Side Effects to Watch For

There is currently limited information on the adverse effects of Herb Robert. However, topically applying Herb Robert has been reported to cause allergic contact dermatitis.

Are Supplements Standardized?

There is insufficient reliable information available about the standardization of Herb Robert supplements.

What Is Herb Robert Typically Used For [as a dietary supplement]?

  • Treating diarrhea
  • Improving liver and gallbladder function
  • Reducing inflammation of the kidney, bladder, and gallbladder
  • Preventing the formation of calculi (stones)
  • Managing influenza, headaches, diabetes, sinus problems, arthritis, gout, sciatica, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and cancer
  • Using as a mouthwash or gargle
  • Relieving inflammation of the mouth and throat
  • Applying topically for mosquito bites, rash, scalp parasites, labial herpes, arthritis, and sciatica

Drugs that interact with Herb Robert

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Parts of this content are provided by the Therapeutic Research Center, LLC.

DISCLAIMER: Currently this does not check for drug-drug interactions. This is not an all-inclusive comprehensive list of potential interactions and is for informational purposes only. Not all interactions are known or well-reported in the scientific literature, and new interactions are continually being reported. Input is needed from a qualified healthcare provider including a pharmacist before starting any therapy. Application of clinical judgment is necessary.

© 2021 Therapeutic Research Center, LLC