Propranolol with Ponesimod Interaction Details

Brand Names Associated with Propranolol

  • Inderal®
  • Inderal® LA
  • Inderal® XL
  • Inderide® (as a combination product containing Hydrochlorothiazide, Propranolol)
  • Inderide® LA (as a combination product containing Hydrochlorothiazide, Propranolol)
  • InnoPran®
  • InnoPran® XL
  • Pronol®
  • Propranolol (Cardiovascular)

Brand Names Associated with Ponesimod

  • Ponesimod
  • Ponvory®

Medical Content Editor
Last updated Nov 15, 2023

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Interaction Effect

An increased risk of severe bradycardia and heart block

Interaction Summary

Concomitant use of beta-blockers during ponesimod initiation may be associated with severe bradycardia and heart block. If treatment is considered, advice from a cardiologist should be sought prior to initiation of therapy to determine the most appropriate monitoring. For patients receiving a stable dose of a beta-blocker, if the resting heart rate is greater than 55 beats per minute (bpm) under chronic beta-blocker treatment, ponesimod can be introduced. If resting heart rate is less than or equal to 55 bpm, beta-blocker treatment should be interrupted until the baseline heart rate is greater than 55 bpm. Treatment with ponesimod can then be initiated and treatment with a beta-blocker can be reinitiated after ponesimod has been up-titrated to the target maintenance dosage.







How To Manage Interaction

Concomitant use of beta-blockers during ponesimod initiation may be associated with severe bradycardia and heart block. If treatment is considered, advice from a cardiologist should be sought prior to initiation of therapy to determine the most appropriate monitoring. For patients receiving a stable dose of a beta-blocker, if the resting heart rate is greater than 55 beats per minute (bpm) under chronic beta-blocker treatment, ponesimod can be introduced. If resting heart rate is less than or equal to 55 bpm, beta-blocker treatment should be interrupted until the baseline heart rate is greater than 55 bpm. Treatment with ponesimod can then be initiated and treatment with a beta-blocker can be reinitiated after ponesimod has been up-titrated to the target maintenance dosage.

Mechanism Of Interaction

Additive effects on heart rate

Literature Reports

A) In a drug-drug interaction study, the dose titration regimen of ponesimod was administered to subjects receiving propranolol 80 mg once daily at steady state. No significant changes in pharmacokinetics of ponesimod or propranolol were observed. Compared to ponesimod alone, the combination of propranolol and the first dose of ponesimod (2 mg) led to a mean hourly heart rate decrease of 12.4 beats per minute (90% CI, -15.6 to -9.1). Compared to ponesimod alone, propranolol administered in combination with the first maintenance dose of ponesimod (20 mg) led to a 7.4 beats per minute (90% CI, -10.9 to -3.9) mean hourly heart rate decrease .

Propranolol Overview

  • Propranolol is used to treat high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, pheochromocytoma (tumor on a small gland near the kidneys), certain types of tremor, and hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (a heart muscle disease). It is also used to prevent angina (chest pain), migraine headaches, and to improve survival after a heart attack. Propranolol is in a class of medications called beta blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels and slowing heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease blood pressure.

  • High blood pressure is a common condition and when not treated, can cause damage to the brain, heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other parts of the body. Damage to these organs may cause heart disease, a heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, loss of vision, and other problems. In addition to taking medication, making lifestyle changes will also help to control your blood pressure. These changes include eating a diet that is low in fat and salt, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising at least 30 minutes most days, not smoking, and using alcohol in moderation.

See More information Regarding Propranolol (Cardiovascular)

Ponesimod Overview

  • Ponesimod is used to prevent episodes of symptoms and slow the worsening of disability in adults who have relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS; a disease in which the nerves do not function properly and people may experience weakness, numbness, loss of muscle coordination, and problems with vision, speech, and bladder control), including:

    • clinically isolated syndrome (CIS; first nerve symptom episode that lasts at least 24 hours),

    • relapsing-remitting disease (course of disease where symptoms flare up from time to time),

    • active secondary progressive disease (later stage of disease with continuous worsening of symptoms.)

  • Ponesimod is in a class of medications called sphingosine l-phosphate receptor modulators. It works by decreasing the action of immune cells that may cause nerve damage.

See More information Regarding Ponesimod

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Severity Categories


These drugs, generally, should not be used together simultaneously due to the high risk of severe adverse effects. Combining these medications can lead to dangerous health outcomes and should be strictly avoided unless otherwise instructed by your provider.


This interaction could result in very serious and potentially life-threatening consequences. If you are taking this drug combination, it is very important to be under close medical supervision to minimize severe side effects and ensure your safety. It may be necessary to change a medication or dosage to prevent harm.


This interaction has the potential to worsen your medical condition or alter the effectiveness of your treatment. It's important that you are monitored closely and you potentially may need to make adjustments in your treatment plan or drug dosage to maintain optimal health.


While this interaction is unlikely to cause significant problems, it could intensify side effects or reduce the effectiveness of one or both medications. Monitoring for changes in symptoms and your condition is recommended, and adjustments may be made if needed to manage any increased or more pronounced side effects.


Rapid: Onset of drug interaction typically occurs within 24 hours of co-administration.

Delayed: Onset of drug interaction typically occurs more than 24 hours after co-administration.


Level of documentation of the interaction.

Established: The interaction is documented and substantiated in peer-reviewed medical literature.

Theoretical: This interaction is not fully supported by current medical evidence or well-documented sources, but it is based on known drug mechanisms, drug effects, and other relevant information.

How To Manage The Interaction

Provides a detailed discussion on how patients and clinicians can approach the identified drug interaction as well as offers guidance on what to expect and strategies to potentially mitigate the effects of the interaction. This may include recommendations on adjusting medication dosages, altering the timing of drug administration, or closely monitoring for specific symptoms.

It's important to note that all medical situations are unique, and management approaches should be tailored to individual circumstances. Patients should always consult their healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance on managing drug interactions effectively.

Mechanism Of Interaction

The theorized or clinically determined reason (i.e., mechanism) why the drug-drug interaction occurs.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding your specific circumstances and medical conditions.

Where Does Our Information Come From?

Information for our drug interactions is compiled from several drug compendia, including:

The prescribing information for each drug, as published on DailyMED, is also used. 

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The information posted is fact-checked by HelloPharmacist clinicians and reviewed quarterly.