Banana Interactions Overview

Check For Interactions With Banana


Also known as
  • Musa acuminata
Banana Bananas are rich in starch, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, and carbohydrates, mainly glucose, fructose, and sucrose. They also contain catecholamines, phytosterols, and carotenoids, with higher levels of carotenoids in more colored varieties. Bananas have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects, and they are used traditionally for conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and gastric ulcers. They are also used to aid in weight loss and have been shown to have hypotensive and immune-boosting effects in research settings.
There are 5 drugs known to interact with Banana

Drugs that interact with Banana

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Parts of this content are provided by the Therapeutic Research Center, LLC.

DISCLAIMER: Currently this does not check for drug-drug interactions. This is not an all-inclusive comprehensive list of potential interactions and is for informational purposes only. Not all interactions are known or well-reported in the scientific literature, and new interactions are continually being reported. Input is needed from a qualified healthcare provider including a pharmacist before starting any therapy. Application of clinical judgment is necessary.

© 2021 Therapeutic Research Center, LLCs