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    J-Code Lookup

    Last Jcode file upload: 1/24/2024

    How To Use This Tool

    This tool allows you to search for the details of a J-code in several ways, including:

    • Drug Name (currently only searching by the generic drug name is supported)
    • HCPCS Code
    • NDC

    For example, you can look up a J-code by NDC. Simply type the NDC into the search box.

    Most J-code detail pages contain a complete HCPCS/NDC crosswalk.

    ***IMPORTANT: Search results will appear at the bottom of the page***

    What Is This Tool?

    Our J-Code lookup tool allows you to find all of the HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) J-code (and Q-code) drugs and their respective HCPCS Details. In addition, each detail page contains an HCPCS/NDC crosswalk, a billing calculator, and drug information. 

    One of the more popular features of this tool is that it allows you to look up a Jcode by NDC OR by a drug name.

    What Are J-Codes & Q-Codes?

    'J-codes' are drugs that are typically billed through a 'medical' benefit versus a 'pharmacy' benefit under health plans, and are generally not self-administered (i.e. are administered by a health care professional). They consist of chemotherapy drugs and injectable drugs:

    • J0120-J8999 - Drugs Administered Other than Oral Method
    • J9000-J9999 - Chemotherapy Drugs

    Q-Codes are simply temporary codes that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) establish for services and supplies that do not yet have a permanent code.

    J-codes and Q-codes are part of the HCPCS Level II code set used for billing for drugs (primarily injectables), supplies, equipment, nonphysician services, and services not represented by CPT codes (Level I HCPCS).  They are often billed along with a procedure-based CPT code. 

    Additional Information

    This tool is free to use but its contents are not available for download or reproduction.

    JCode Directory

    HCPC Drug name
    S0160 Dextroamphetamine sulfate, 5 mg
    S0164 Injection, pantoprazole sodium, 40 mg
    S0166 Injection, olanzapine, 2.5 mg
    S0169 Calcitrol, 0.25 microgram
    S0170 Anastrozole, oral, 1 mg
    S0171 Injection, bumetanide, 0.5 mg
    S0172 Chlorambucil, oral, 2 mg
    S0174 Dolasetron mesylate, oral 50 mg (for circumstances falling under the medicare statute, use q0180)
    S0175 Flutamide, oral, 125 mg
    S0176 Hydroxyurea, oral, 500 mg
    S0177 Levamisole hydrochloride, oral, 50 mg
    S0178 Lomustine, oral, 10 mg
    S0179 Megestrol acetate, oral, 20 mg
    S0182 Procarbazine hydrochloride, oral, 50 mg
    S0183 Prochlorperazine maleate, oral, 5 mg (for circumstances falling under the medicare statute, use q0164)
    S0187 Tamoxifen citrate, oral, 10 mg
    S0189 Testosterone pellet, 75 mg
    S0190 Mifepristone, oral, 200 mg
    S0191 Misoprostol, oral, 200 mcg
    S0194 Dialysis/stress vitamin supplement, oral, 100 capsules
    S0195 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, polyvalent, intramuscular, for children from five years to nine years of age who have not previously received the vaccine
    S0197 Prenatal vitamins, 30-day supply
    S0199 Medically induced abortion by oral ingestion of medication including all associated services and supplies (e.g., patient counseling, office visits, confirmation of pregnancy by hcg, ultrasound to confirm duration of pregnancy, ultrasound to confirm comple
    S0201 Partial hospitalization services, less than 24 hours, per diem
    S0207 Paramedic intercept, non-hospital-based als service (non-voluntary), non-transport
    S0208 Paramedic intercept, hospital-based als service (non-voluntary), non-transport
    S0209 Wheelchair van, mileage, per mile
    S0215 Non-emergency transportation; mileage, per mile
    S0220 Medical conference by a physician with interdisciplinary team of health professionals or representatives of community agencies to coordinate activities of patient care (patient is present); approximately 30 minutes
    S0221 Medical conference by a physician with interdisciplinary team of health professionals or representatives of community agencies to coordinate activities of patient care (patient is present); approximately 60 minutes