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    J-Code Lookup

    Last Jcode file upload: 1/24/2024

    How To Use This Tool

    This tool allows you to search for the details of a J-code in several ways, including:

    • Drug Name (currently only searching by the generic drug name is supported)
    • HCPCS Code
    • NDC

    For example, you can look up a J-code by NDC. Simply type the NDC into the search box.

    Most J-code detail pages contain a complete HCPCS/NDC crosswalk.

    ***IMPORTANT: Search results will appear at the bottom of the page***

    What Is This Tool?

    Our J-Code lookup tool allows you to find all of the HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) J-code (and Q-code) drugs and their respective HCPCS Details. In addition, each detail page contains an HCPCS/NDC crosswalk, a billing calculator, and drug information. 

    One of the more popular features of this tool is that it allows you to look up a Jcode by NDC OR by a drug name.

    What Are J-Codes & Q-Codes?

    'J-codes' are drugs that are typically billed through a 'medical' benefit versus a 'pharmacy' benefit under health plans, and are generally not self-administered (i.e. are administered by a health care professional). They consist of chemotherapy drugs and injectable drugs:

    • J0120-J8999 - Drugs Administered Other than Oral Method
    • J9000-J9999 - Chemotherapy Drugs

    Q-Codes are simply temporary codes that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) establish for services and supplies that do not yet have a permanent code.

    J-codes and Q-codes are part of the HCPCS Level II code set used for billing for drugs (primarily injectables), supplies, equipment, nonphysician services, and services not represented by CPT codes (Level I HCPCS).  They are often billed along with a procedure-based CPT code. 

    Additional Information

    This tool is free to use but its contents are not available for download or reproduction.

    JCode Directory

    HCPC Drug name
    S3853 Genetic testing for myotonic muscular dystrophy
    S3854 Gene expression profiling panel for use in the management of breast cancer treatment
    S3855 Genetic testing for detection of mutations in the presenilin - 1 gene
    S3861 Genetic testing, sodium channel, voltage-gated, type v, alpha subunit (scn5a) and variants for suspected brugada syndrome
    S3865 Comprehensive gene sequence analysis for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
    S3866 Genetic analysis for a specific gene mutation for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hcm) in an individual with a known hcm mutation in the family
    S3870 Comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) microarray testing for developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder and/or intellectual disability
    S3890 Dna analysis, fecal, for colorectal cancer screening
    S3900 Surface electromyography (emg)
    S3902 Ballistocardiogram
    S3904 Masters two step
    S4005 Interim labor facility global (labor occurring but not resulting in delivery)
    S4011 In vitro fertilization; including but not limited to identification and incubation of mature oocytes, fertilization with sperm, incubation of embryo(s), and subsequent visualization for determination of development
    S4013 Complete cycle, gamete intrafallopian transfer (gift), case rate
    S4014 Complete cycle, zygote intrafallopian transfer (zift), case rate
    S4015 Complete in vitro fertilization cycle, not otherwise specified, case rate
    S4016 Frozen in vitro fertilization cycle, case rate
    S4017 Incomplete cycle, treatment cancelled prior to stimulation, case rate
    S4018 Frozen embryo transfer procedure cancelled before transfer, case rate
    S4020 In vitro fertilization procedure cancelled before aspiration, case rate
    S4021 In vitro fertilization procedure cancelled after aspiration, case rate
    S4022 Assisted oocyte fertilization, case rate
    S4023 Donor egg cycle, incomplete, case rate
    S4025 Donor services for in vitro fertilization (sperm or embryo), case rate
    S4026 Procurement of donor sperm from sperm bank
    S4027 Storage of previously frozen embryos
    S4028 Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (mesa)
    S4030 Sperm procurement and cryopreservation services; initial visit
    S4031 Sperm procurement and cryopreservation services; subsequent visit
    S4035 Stimulated intrauterine insemination (iui), case rate