Can You Cut Or Split Sertraline Tablets?

In our latest question and answer, the pharmacist discusses whether or not Zoloft (sertraline) tablets can safely be cut.


I take 50mg sertraline. Can I split the pill in half and take them together for easier swallowing?

Asked by RBH On Sep 27, 2022

Answered by
Medical Content Reviewed By HelloPharmacist Staff

Published Sep 27, 2022
Last updated Apr 20, 2024

Key points

  • Zoloft (sertraline) tablets can safely be cut in half.


Zoloft (sertraline) is an antidepressant used in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and social anxiety disorder.  Sertraline 50mg is a scored tablet that can be split. All other strengths of sertraline (25mg, 100mg) are safe to split as well.

It is perfectly fine, and safe, split your sertraline tablet and then swallow both halves. Remember that it is always a good idea to check with your pharmacist before splitting a medication since not all tablets can be split.  Some general information on tablet splitting can be found below.

Tablet Splitting: General Information

There are several considerations to take into account before splitting a tablet.  In general, tablets that have the following characteristics should not be split:

  • Time released tablets
  • Film-coated tablets
  • Combination products
  • Odd shaped tablets
  • Tablets that crumble when cut
  • Capsules

Tablets that are scored, in general, can be split.  The FDA lists some things to keep in mind when splitting a tablet include:

  • Tablet splitters are a good tool to use but will not work well for all tablets, especially small tablets.
  • Tablets should only be split at the time they are needed.  Splitting the tablet before it is needed will possibly expose tablets to unnecessary moisture, heat and other conditions.
  • If the manufacturer of the tablet changes, check with your pharmacist to see if splitting the tablet is still advisable. 

Tablet splitting can be a good way to help patients that have difficulty swallowing.  If a tablet cannot be split, talk to your pharmacist about other options like liquids or alternative drugs that may be easier to swallow. 

As stated at the beginning of this answer, Zoloft (sertraline) tablets are safe to split.

Final Words

Thanks for reaching out to us! I hope this answer helped.


  • Tablet Splitting, FDA
  • Zoloft Prescribing Information, AccessFDA

About the Pharmacist

Dr. Brian Staiger, PharmD

Dr. Brian has been practicing pharmacy for over 13 years and has wide-ranging experiences in many different areas of the profession. From retail, clinical, program development, and administrative responsibilities, he's your knowledgeable and go-to source for all your pharmacy and medication-related questions! Dr. Brian Staiger also has herbalist training and educational certificates in the field of medical ethnobotany. Feel free to send him an email at [email protected]! You can also connect with Dr. Brian Staiger on LinkedIn.

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