Is It Safe To Take Magnesium And Melatonin Together?
In our latest question and answer, the pharmacist discusses whether or not it is safe to combine magnesium and melatonin.

Is it safe to take melatonin and magnesium together?

Answered by Dr. Brian Staiger, PharmD
Medical Content Reviewed By HelloPharmacist
Last updated Mar 28, 2025
Key points
- There is no known interaction between melatonin and magnesium.
- Several studies show that magnesium can increase melatonin levels in the body, and supplementing with both may have positive benefits for the treatment of insomnia.
Thanks for reaching out to us Joe!
There are no known interactions between magnesium and melatonin. They can safely be taken together.
In fact, there are a number of products on the market that contain both magnesium and melatonin as several studies have reported that the combination can help improve sleep compared to either alone. These studies have also reported that magnesium supplementation increases melatonin levels (which is one reason why magnesium may help improve sleep).
What Do The Studies Say?
As mentioned, several studies have shown positive benefits for the treatment of insomnia using melatonin and magnesium.
Magnesium supplementation in some individuals seems to raise melatonin levels, and studies in which individuals supplemented with both showed improved sleep metrics.
One such study reported the following regarding magnesium supplementation:
As compared to the placebo group, in the experimental group, dietary magnesium supplementation brought about statistically significant increases in sleep time, sleep efficiency, concentration of serum renin, and melatonin, and also resulted in significant decrease of ISI score, sleep onset latency and serum cortisol concentration.
Another study, testing a combination of zinc, magnesium, and melatonin, reported the following results:
The administration of nightly melatonin, magnesium, and zinc appears to improve the quality of sleep and the quality of life in long-term care facility residents with primary insomnia.
Now, more larger-scale studies are needed to better understand where melatonin and magnesium supplementation could fit in for the treatment of insomnia, but, going back to your question, there is no evidence to suggest they interact or interfere with one another.
Final Words
Thanks again for reaching out and please feel free to do so again in the future!
- The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, PubMed
- The effect of melatonin, magnesium, and zinc on primary insomnia in long-term care facility residents in Italy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, PubMed
- Effects of Melatonin and/or Magnesium Supplementation on Biomarkers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, PubMed
Dr. Brian Staiger, PharmD